The Tent

The Tent

Photo to painting
After Lanseer
Original sold

It was done from a postcard. The original Lanseer painting was the size of a double bed. I liked the picture. I had to have a picture of an Arab and its foul. Way back when, Arabs used to live in the same tents as their owners. 

I had taken some classes from Barbara Wiley. She was the most help for me. I don’t know how she had the patience for it because I was so, so slow. She would just whip out one. She could have, but she didn’t do it in front of me. I thank her for that! I’m still slow. I don’t know how long it took me to finish that painting. It took quite a while. I was working on it while I had 4-H meetings there at the old house. They were kind of watching the process. Most of the meetings were horse meetings. But I did sewing meetings too. I think Carrie New said one time, “I never would have learned how sew if it hadn’t been for Marguerite.” She may not say that now, I don’t know!